Mystery Score – entry fee $10 per each tournament bowling event
Fees can be paid during registration or prior to the start of each tournament event.
This event applies to only games 1 and 2 of each of the Singles, Doubles, and Team events.
The last two (2) digits of a score will be randomly generated, and the prize money will be split between all the entrants with a matching score. This process will continue until someone wins each game.
Tournament All Events – entry fee $20
The payout ratio will be 1:6 and payout will be 100% of the entry fees. Awards based off total pin score of handicap series for singles, doubles, and team events bowled during the tournament.
9-Pin No Tap – entry fee $20
Concord Lanes will host this event on Friday, Aug 30, 2024. Bowlers may start anytime from
5pm-9pm depending on lane availability. Anyone bowling in this year’s tournament may participate (one time only). Each participant’s 3 game scratch series will be used. Participants will be divided into the same divisions set for the Optional Scratch event as described below.
Non-tournament participants can enter this event but cannot be awarded any prizes and their entry fee will be considered a donation to the tournament.
Optional Scratch – entry fee is $20
The payout ratio will be 1:6 and payout will be 100% of the entry fees. Awards are based on the best 3-game series and high game. Scratch divisions will be determined once entries are closed. The entire participation of the tournament will then be sorted by average to place an equal number of bowlers in each division.
Senior’s Division – entry fee is $10
The payout will be 100% of the entry fees. Open to all bowlers 55 and older.
Events to be paid Men’s and Women’s High Scratch and High Handicap Game and Series.
Women’s Handicap – entry fee is $10
The payout ratio will be 1:6 and payout will be 100% of the entry fees. The best 3-game handicap series and best handicap game will qualify.
Scratch Masters
1. All bowlers will have the option to participate in Scratch Masters based on their entering average.
2. Entry into the Scratch Masters event must be submitted before that bowler throws their first ball
of any game for tournament competition.
3. The Scratch Masters competition will be held on Sunday, September 1, 2024.
A start time of approximately 1 hour after the completion of the singles event to allow for lane dressing.
4. The divisions for Scratch Masters will be:
Division A Averages 200 and above – Entry fee $50
Division B Averages 175-199 – Entry fee $40
Division C Averages 150-174 – Entry fee $35
Division D Averages 149 and under – Entry fee $30
5. The six-game scratch total from the Team and Doubles Handicap Tournament events will be
used to determine the six qualifiers and two alternates for the competition. These scores will
not carry over to the Scratch Masters competition. The list of qualifiers will be posted after the Team event verification at the lanes, on the SMC tournament website, and the tournament SMC Facebook page.
6. In the event of a tie for the sixth qualifying position, the bowler with the highest scratch game from Teams or Doubles play will be awarded the sixth position. Other bowler(s) will be classified as alternates.
7. Bowlers must check in 15 minutes prior to the scheduled shift.
8. A bowler who has not checked in 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start will be disqualified and
replaced with the next available alternate.
Stepladder Competition
1. Bowlers are allowed 10 minutes of practice before each match.
2. Each match will be composed of one game. All matches in each division will be bowled on the same pair of lanes.
3. Competition will be as follows:
Match 1 - .6th Place Qualifier versus 5th Place Qualifier
Match 2 - .Match 1 winner versus 4th Place Qualifier
Match 3 - .Match 2 winner versus 3rd Place Qualifier
Match 4 - .Match 3 winner versus 2nd Place Qualifier
Match 5 - .Match 4 winner versus 1st Place Qualifier
4. If a tie exists during any game a 9th and 10th frame roll off will determine the winner of that match
5. The prize fund from each division shall be returned at 100% to that division minus lineage expenses.
6. In the event a scratch division does not meet the 6 qualifiers a smaller step ladder competition will be held under the same competition guidelines as listed above.